If you want to see something funny, you should give your dog a bowl of jello. Not the Bill Cosby Jello pudding but the real gel type stuff you had when you were a kid, the kind you had to let sit in the fridge to form. I'm not sure why, but we have a little 4-pack of cherry jello in our fridge. Well, there's three left now because in my hours of studying for a big exam tomorrow I decided I needed a snack so I decided to try it.
Anyway, Daphne came in and wanted a little taste. So I carved her out a big spoonful and plopped it into her dog bowl. Man, she just could not figure out how to eat it. She'd get it in her mouth then it would fall out. She would try again and almost get ready to swallow it before it would slip out. Guess it was too slippery. She gave up and acted like she didn't want it after all. But she'll be back.
So, since we live 5 hours away from our families my task is to provide pictures of Anderson. Here goes.
Shelly and I are trying the concept of eat-play-sleep-eat-play-sleep, and so forth. The picture below was during play time. I was going in to touch noses with him when he opened his mouth as wide as he could and engulfed my nose. Guess he mistook it for a bottle nipple. Not sure how I'm supposed to take that.

Since he's eating every three hours right now we often have to wake him up to feed him, even though we hate to. Below are generally the looks we get right after he wakes from a deep sleep.

This is after he realizes he's about to enjoy a feast of milk.

During play time, at least one of us usually interacts with him to let his belly settle and to keep him awake for a bit. Daphne enjoys play time also. For this picture she had just climbed across the back of the chair and slid down next to Shelly so she wouldn't feel left out.

Then sometimes the dreaded hiccups come upon him. In this picture he puts his hand to his chest in an attempt to clear his throat and prevent hiccups from coming.

No luck, he's got to wait it out. This is in between hiccups.

He loves getting his hair washed...most of the time.

After all that, it's time to get swaddled back up and start the process all over again.

Kansas City, MO