Last weekend was a very busy one, the last weekend in DC for Shelly and Anderson as we will drive back to KC on Thursday. I'll fly back to DC on Sunday to finish up my final two weeks of school while Shelly does some house hunting in the Manhattan, KS area.
Fortunately, it was a very nice warm weekend in DC so we tried to make the most of it. We attended a Washington Nationals baseball game, went to the National Zoo, walked around Union Station and Chinatown, and even made time to watch three movies (Seven Pounds, Marley and Me, and Quarantine). We had planned to attend the Cherry Blossom Festival but there were just too many people in that area. So we plan to go there tomorrow. Here's a picture recap.
This is us before heading to the Baltimore Orioles vs. Washington Nationals game on Saturday. We attended with Jayna and Matt. Jayna is friends with one of the catchers for the Orioles so he provided tickets for us.

At the game with Matt and Jayna.

Jayna is such a natural mommy during his third inning snooze. We'll miss seeing you guys!

Lots of fun and a great game. Washington won 6-5.

Sunday after church, we met up with our friends David and Jeanne and kids Jeremy and Ethan, who all drove up from Richmond for a day at the zoo. It ended up pretty much being a day on the metro as we had a disastrous time getting down to the zoo. Between the festival and the crowd going to the hockey game the metro was jammed packed.
The short story is we spent about 90 minutes on the metro face to face with people. Oh, and we had two strollers between us so that made it even more interesting. Some mishaps included Shelly and Jeremy making it off the train while the rest of us were stuck on with no room to exit. And since Shelly's cell phone was with me in the stroller I had no way of reaching her once we got to the next stop. But Shelly, being the problem solver that she is, borrowed a phone so we could finally reconnect a few blocks down the street.
The zoo was pretty desolate. I guess we were there at the wrong time of day because pretty much the only animals we saw were an ape, an elephant, and some goats. The tigers, lions, bears, and pandas were no where in sight. Oh well, it was a nice day and we were able to visit and also laugh about our misadventures.
Here we are outside the petting zoo.

Anderson enjoyed seeing the little goats.

After a little while, a snow cone break was in order.

Here's Ethan enjoying his. He dropped his on the ground a couple of times. But quick thinking by his dad and a little lemonade to wash the dirt off made it as good as new.

We'll miss being so close to our friends, the Walkers.

Goodnight for now. I'll leave with this picture. Looks like Daphne just whispered a funny joke to Anderson. Must have been a good one.

Springfield, VA