Well, I've only seen my little boy for a total of about 2 hours in the last week. We left for Vegas last Thursday morning and returned Sunday night. Then I left early Monday morning for a conference at Ft. Leavenworth and I'm still here in Kansas City until Friday.
So...since I don't have any recent pics of Anderson you're stuck looking at some pictures Shelly and I took in Las Vegas. We went there to attend a wedding for our friends, J.P. and Nicki.
It was the first time Shelly has spent a night away from Anderson. It was tough to leave him but he did great with Shelly's parents and her sister. It sure was exciting to get back home to him though.
This was taken in the limo on the way to the Venetian last Thursday night. Enjoyed a nice dinner with our friends then did some shopping in the resort.

Here are some of the things we bought Anderson.

Check out this cute girl looking relaxed outside our resort just before the wedding.

Here's a few pics from the wedding. It had been 110 degrees on the 3 days prior to this but on this evening it was cloudy and cool.

It was a beautiful wedding and we had a great time relaxing at the spa resort for a few days.

Kansas City, MO