Hello folks,
Just a quick note before Shelly and I leave for the airport. We're excited about our trip to Germany today! Just a beautiful time of year to be in the Black Forest. And we get to see two of my good friends who now live there, Chris Lawton and Brit Hopper.
Besides the one disappointing day in the past week, we've enjoyed many events together. The Bret Michaels concert was awesome as always, the monthly cigar event with the boys was great, and Bon Jovi was as amazing as ever. Yesterday, we had an appointment with the doctor who will delivery the baby and she said things were going very well for the baby and the loss of the other would not affect anything at all with the baby. We're still getting used to the news but I think this trip away will help. And of course the support from so many friends and family have greatly assisted.
Oh, and I also made my first ever trip to Baby's R Us a few days ago. I wasn't sure what to expect but I thought I could just walk in and tell the salesperson, "Yeah, I need a stroller, car seat, and a crib". And she would say, "Okay, just pull your truck around and we'll have those right out". No, that simply isn't the case as there are literally hundreds of each of those items in there. I bet I walked down the car seat aisle for 40 seconds and still didn't reach the end of them. I didn't realize there were so many different kinds of baby things. I think I even saw a crib with an MP3 and internet connection! Man, when I was growing up we just had empty boxes that a washer and dryer came in. Okay mom, I'm just kidding. I do remember there was a nice crib before Marcy pooped all over it.
We'll be back on the net in a couple of days. We arrive in Germany early Friday morning. Talk to ya'll from there!
Kansas City, MO
It's important I let you all know that it was Michael's idea to go check things out at BabiesRUs... AND Marcy, your poop story involving the white crib must have really scarred Michael because it's all he could talk about when we were looking at the cribs that night! ;)
I saw a show on Nat Geo recently that was about the amount of things the average person consumes in a lifetime: 31k gals of gas, 12k+ hamburgers, 41k cans of beer (I find this figure low). Your comment about the amount of stuff there is in Babys' R US made me recall this show. Stay tuned. I can tell you that it doesn't get better as I look around my house.
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