Before I post about Shelly being at 15 weeks today, I must get something off my chest. I did something this morning I'm not real proud of and I need to clear my conscience. You see, I was downstairs waiting on Daphne to finish her business outside. The Today Show was on upstairs on the big screen. I overheard Matt Lauer introduce a band that sounded very familiar but I hadn't heard in about 20 years. That's right, New Kids on the Block. I sauntered up the stairs and saw them performing live on Times Square.
So here's where it gets a little embarrassing. After looking out my front door to ensure no one was looking, I grabbed the remote, turned it up to 26, and sang along to "Hangin' Tough". I even tried to do the little foot movements, almost breaking my ankle in the process. I think the problem was that I was trying to do the sway your arm from side to side thing at the same time as the foot shuffle. I should probably stick with doing one of those at a time until I get my 1988 bearings back.
But I certainly do recall Marcy and Mandy playing the New Kids concert on our VCR at home every day after school. I'll admit I was a bit of a fan. I remember my grandpa had this round hat. I considered seeing if he'd let me have it so I could cut the top out of it and look like Joey McIntyre.
Man, what's wrong with me today? It's like there's a link between jet lag and spouting off all kinds of embarrassing facts. I'd better stop before I lose the remaining respect some of you still have of me.
Plus, I think they are getting ready to sing "The Right Stuff"...oops!
Kansas City, MO
1 comment:
I'm just happy Daphne was outside and didn't have to witness any of that! Actually it's good no one did! HA!
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