It will be interesting one day to tell our son of all the places we took him while he was still hanging out in the womb. Had a very busy and varied week last week.
Flew to Boston last Monday morning. Since I was using airline miles for free flights Shelly and I flew on separate airlines but met up in the Boston airport just after lunch. Rode the subway to the hotel and pretty much just walked around the city that night.
On Tuesday we bought a trolley ticket that took us to various spots all over the city where we could get on and off throughout the day. Saw many of the major attractions in Boston that day before coming back to the hotel to relax for a bit. Went to a Red Sox game that night at Fenway Park. Awesome park, hard to believe how much history there is in that 96 year old ball field.

Wednesday we took the subway and hit some of the Freedom Trail sights. Went to Paul Revere's house (he was not home at the time), went to an old cemetery called the Granary Burying Grounds where John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, Benjamin Franklin's family, and Mother Goose are all buried there. Ate lunch at the oldest restaurant in America, the Union Oyster House. Went back to the hotel and prepared for the highlight of our trip and the main reason we went...The Eagles Concert!

The concert was amazing. We had great seats, 12 rows in the center from the stage. They played for almost 3 hours straight!
Flew back to KC on Thursday morning and prepared for my parents to visit us the next day.
Took my mom and dad to Stroud's Chicken Friday night before heading to the Uptown Theater to see the Oak Ridge Boys. Even after all these years those guys sounded great. After a stop at Sheridan's for some frozen custard we went home.

On Saturday after Shelly fixed us all a fabulous meal of pork chops and all the fixins, we all went to the Royals game for Military Appreciation Day. It was very hot to start the game but by the second inning we had some shade and a breeze. Great game even though Shelly's boyfriend, David DeJesus, was hurt and did not play. Went to eat Mexican food at Margarita's after the game then went home and played cards that night. Oh, and of course the obligatory jaunt down to Cold Stone to get some ice cream.

On Sunday, we went to church in Independence to visit some old friends and mom and dad left that afternoon back to Oklahoma. Overall, a great weekend. The boy was very active throughout the week and especially when Joe Walsh got on that guitar during the Eagles concert. Pretty active during Elvira and Bobbie Sue during the Oak Ridge Boys concert also.
Shelly's parents visit us this weekend then we're off to Manhattan, Kansas for a week to inprocess my new job before coming back to KC for a school I have here at Fort Leavenworth until the end of November.
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas