Daphne knows something is up. She is used to being the center of attention in this house. But now, she seems to notice that Shelly and I are discussing something having to do with a new addition to our current family of three. And there are likely times when she feels a bit neglected already. She listened to us oooh and aahhh over all the nice gifts Shelly received at a recent shower. She very carefully sniffed and reviewed each item as it was sat on the floor.
So...to make her feel like she is contributing to the arrival of our son, I've decided to use her to practice such things as diaper changing, CPR, and how to hold and carry a baby in our new Baby Bjorn carrier picture below:

Here's one of Daphne trying on the awesome new shirt my sister Marcy got us for the boy:

It says, "I've got the world's greatest dad" Fits her pretty well huh?
Daphne weighs 13 pounds and although we both hope the boy doesn't weigh that much when he is born, I'm trying to get used to hauling around that extra weight in my arms by practicing with Daphne.
Here's a picture of me practicing the art of the diaper change (just in case Shelly isn't around that is):

And here's a couple of me practicing CPR:

After all that practicing it really tuckers one of us out:

Heading to Branson tomorrow for a few days. Ya'll enjoy your weekend.
Kansas City, MO
Michael, you are sick. Daphne looks humiliated! I'm looking forward to this weekend!
Those pictures are hilarious! Poor dog! How was your trip to Branson? Did you get to go to any of the Branson attractions!? I've heard great stuff about them.
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