Here's a sneak peek of Daphne's Halloween costume taken yesterday afternoon. She's a bumble bee this year. Shelly had the tough choice of picking out a cheerleader outfit or a bee. It pretty much came down to the bee outfit fit her better. She only weighs 12 pounds but is a little thick in the middle.
Speaking of Daph, she had a little street fight last night. Shelly and I were walking her in our neighborhood when a big neighbor dog came out and bum rushed her on the sidewalk. I was pretty pleased with our reaction though. I ran over and pushed the big dog off of her then Shelly spanked his little rear, all right there in front of the owners and friends they were sitting outside with. Then we pelted the owners with comments about keeping their dogs on a leash. Oh, and Shelly handed them the vet bill this morning.
Shelly took her to the vet this morning. She has two puncture wounds on each side of her body and lost some blood last night. She was lucky not to have had a punctured lung. She has a small drainage tube in right now and is in some pain so she is being very quiet which is often unusual as many of you know.
She's been nicked before a few times so I'm sure she'll be fine in a few days. Maybe we'll re-look her costume and make her a gangster.
Fort Leavenworth, KS
I'm so sorry about little Daph! I heard Shel was letting the expletives fly! So sorry I missed that!
There's a time and place for talk like that and protecting your babies is that time! It came really natural to me too! ha!
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