At 37 weeks, he's still in there cooking. Although we did have a day this week we thought it may be time to rush down to the deliver room. This past Wednesday Shelly walked out of the bathroom and said, "I think I just lost my mucus plug". Each of us stood there in the bedroom in uncomfortable silence for like 12 seconds, just staring at each other. She was probably thinking, "Wow, he is so excited he is speechless". But in reality I was thinking, "What in the heck is a mucus plug?".
During those 12 seconds I pondered two possiblities. Either a mucus plug is one of those clip things you put on your nose when you're swimming to keep water out of your nostrils or Shelly is getting a cold. I assumed the latter and was heading to get her some tissue and some cold medicine when she reminded me we learned about mucus plugs a month ago in our baby class. I pretended like I clearly remembered that discussion in class and asked if that meant we should go to the hospital. Shelly said she wasn't sure, confirming to me that she didn't remember either.
Now, let me pause for a moment and tell you that Shelly was going to fix my favorite meal that night, baked chicken and rice. She told me she was making it a few days earlier so I was really looking forward to it. Since this was happening at like 3:45 PM the first thing I said to her when she mentioned she may be going into labor was, "Do you think we have to leave before or after dinner?". I mean come on, why couldn't this have happened on a grilled cheese night or leftover night?
I suggested we google what losing a mucus plug means. Not completely so I can have the chicken and rice but just making sure that means she's going into labor. We learned it is common for that to happen and you could still go on for a few weeks before having the baby. So we didn't go to the hospital or call the doctor and we both enjoyed a fine meal at the dinner table that night. But at least we found out he could be coming soon and that he is one step closer.
Shelly still gets around pretty good but has trouble sleeping about every other night. Last night was one of those nights. Early this morning she thought she was having back labor pains. Could have been that or the fact we had dinner last night at a drugstore restaurant and sat on those old time uncomfortable bar stools. All I know is at 4:30 AM I was up rubbing Shelly's lower back and upper booty cheeks.
So until he gets here I'm trying to keep Shelly relaxed but active. We go to the gym every other day and also take Daphne on walks in the neighborhood or at the lake across the street. The pics below were taken Friday night in Overland Park at a charity gala dinner for abused and neglected children. A good time with our good friend David Douglass and a great cause.

So my advice to you all is this. Check your mucus plugs daily because you never know when losing one might result in a missed meal.
Kansas City, MO
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