We've known about this trip for a couple of months but I waited to disclose it on here until we got all the systems in place to safeguard our home while we're gone. I won't discuss all of them on here but besides a silent alarm I do have 10 midget ninjas patrolling inside and outside the house, I have motion activated Chinese throwing stars that come out of the walls upon activation, and if anyone touches my television it triggers an odorless poisonous potion causing the individual to go into convulsions. And Chuck Norris is on standby in our basement. So I think we'll be okay.
Anderson did great on the trip and is still growing fast. Here is a picture of him in the jacuzzi at our hotel in Indianapolis. Couldn't really tell which was causing the bubbles though, the jacuzzi jets or his toots.

After a nice bath, it was lights out.

I've noticed something interesting lately. Anderson loves having his diaper changed. The pictures below show in three separate occasions the expressions he typically makes when he knows his diaper will be changed. Not sure what's up with him smiling so much. I can tell you without a doubt if I were naked and exposed and lying on my back and a man 37 years older than me had both my ankles in one of his hands while he wiped a cool cloth on my undercarriage, I would not be smiling. No really, I wouldn't.

We're staying in a nice hotel here, a 2-bedroom suite with a living room, full kitchen, and bathroom. And the free breakfast is always nice. So this allows us to make this our home for a while. We gambled by not bringing a crib or Pack n' Play for him in hopes we could buy a cheap one here. And Shelly really came through today. She found an almost new one on Craigslist here in this city for 50 bucks. We picked it up today and he's sleeping in it now in his room.

And yes, Daphne made the trip also. She's already staked out a couple of areas here in our suite she likes to hang out and sleep. One is on top of the couch so she can see out the window and the other is on the pillow on the bed as pictured below.

So things are going well and we should have some great pictures here in DC and other day trips we plan on taking from here. If the weather is good tomorrow we plan to go to Arlington National Cemetery, the Capitol Building, and the White House, just in case Obama needs any help with his inauguration speech.
More soon.
Springfield, VA
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