1. He peed his pants in 3 different states this weekend (Virginia, DC, Maryland).
2. He usually goes to sleep around 10 and wakes up around 7AM for a 6 ounce bottle then back to sleep for a couple of more hours.
3. He's 15 weeks old today and weighs 15 pounds after weighing 6 lb, 10 oz. at birth.
4. This Friday he will make his first flight as we fly from DC back to KC to visit our families who are meeting us there.
5. He now giggles and laughs out loud.
6. His happiest times of day are right when he gets up, when he's in the bath tub, when he's getting his diaper changed, and anytime Shelly is holding him.
7. He was awake for the entire church service today and besides a case of the hiccups, was very quiet and just looked around at all the people.
8. He started rolling over a couple of weeks ago from his tummy to his back.

Springfield, VA
9. He's got such a cute smile and very photogenic!
9. He's pretty happy when his daddy comes home from work too! All smiles! Rolled over at Week 11... but doesn't do it all the time! Especially when we really want him to!
He is sooo cute! I need to hold him and rub his little round head!
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