The messy face and the message on his shirt pretty much sum up this picture.
So "the book" says babies about this age (9 months) begin to crawl into a quiet area of the house and poop. Well, we believe his little area will be here under the dining room table as he has now begun to go under there for a little "private time".

Guess we can expect him to be a little more secretive in his pooping experiences now as opposed to him grunting out loud in church as he works one out on Sunday mornings. Or at least we hope. Nothing like singing "Amazing Grace" while your baby is grunting so loud his face turns red and he begins to shake a bit.
I've always been freaked out by the "Jack in the Box". I just don't like the suspense of not knowing when Jack will pop out and scare the bejesus out of me. Here the boy expresses his frustration with it by laying it down and beating the crap out of it. And I don't blame him.

On Sunday afternoon we did a little babysitting. We have about 3 babysitters we use these days so we figured we should keep someone else's kid so we'll know what babysitters go through. So we kept cute little Harrison, 2-month old son of my co-worker, Darrell and his wife Jennifer while they went to a movie.

Anderson grew out of his activity mat a couple of months ago when he began to crawl but fortunately we still had it and it kept Harrison entertained. He was a good boy and it was fun to reminisce about memories of when Anderson was that little. Ah, the good ole days of just letting them play on the activity mat without worrying about him crawling into the laundry room and eating the dog's food.
Finally, we messed up this video by not turning the camera the right direction but if you don't mind turning your head it's pretty funny. He loves music and will often dance when he hears a song he likes. Turn your speakers on.
Manhattan, KS
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