At the spunky young age of 10 1/2 months our little boy is officially a walker now. He started off about a month ago walking a few feet between Shelly and me. Then all of the sudden last weekend he decided he would just walk all over the house.

But the day he started walking is the day Shelly had foot surgery. So we still haven't gotten to the point where all four of us (including Daphne) are walking at the same time.

Shelly got fitted with a walking boot a couple of days ago so she's a little more mobile now.

Now that he's more mobile we really have to keep an eye on him. Usually, he either heads straight into the laundry room and tries to eat Daphne's dog food, or he heads into the middle bathroom and tries to put his hand into the toilet, or he goes into the kitchen and gets into the same cabinet every time trying to pull out cookie sheets, or he opens the dishwasher and tries to pull out the silverware, or he goes into the master bathroom and sits in our shower, or he goes into the spare bedroom and drags all the picture frames into the hallway, or he goes into the living room and changes the TV station with the remote, or he goes into our bedroom and hides in the closet. You get the idea.
But the place he goes most consistently is back in his bedroom. Once there he goes immediately to his changing table where he gets into a basket and drags out the baby lotion, diaper rash cream, and anything else in there. Here he is in action. He doesn't know I've snuck up behind him or he would turn around with a guilty look.

Once he gets busted he tries to make a run for it.

But I must admit his mischievous behavior all evens out because he's just so darn cute and such a great little boy every other time.

In this picture he jams out on the keyboard (and he's very proud of himself by the way).

When he gets shy, like when a cute girl oohs and aahs over him when we're out or when the camera is on him, he puts his hand in his mouth. You might have seen him do this before when he first sees you.

And finally, we've retired many of his "baby" toys but we weren't sure how long he would want to use his exer-saucer. As you can see by this video, we should probably retire this before he breaks out of it.
Manhattan, KS