This weekend we hosted my parents for their first visit to our house in Manhattan. Had a great time...went out on the boat a couple of times, ate some awesome food Shelly cooked, went out to dinner for Mexican and also home style fried chicken, and played some card games. And of course everyone enjoyed playing with little Anderson.

My dad and I also went to the Kansas State football game Saturday night. Glad we were there instead of having to witness how crappy OU played.

My mom's birthday was last week so we celebrated with a zucchini cake Shelly made. It was probably one of the best things I've ever tasted. Needless to say, it's all gone now.

Since Anderson can't quite have cake yet he got to enjoy some grapes and Cheerios.

Here, he gets the giggles while trying on my hat.

We also spent some time watching the squirrels in our back yard. Similar to our house in KC, we feed squirrels and now a couple of them permanently reside in our yard eating walnuts and corn. We believe one of them may be pregnant.

Finally, now that the boys is taking a few steps on his own he enjoyed showing off for his grandparents. Here he is practicing by pushing his toy lawnmower.
Fort Riley, KS
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