Since he's approaching the ripe old age of 1 year and a total weight soaking wet of 23 pounds we decided to go ahead and get him a new car seat, the Britax Marathon CS.
I think we threw him off by letting him try out his new seat with his pajamas on. Here he looks disappointed and probably thinks he's going somewhere instead of going to bed.

Very confused here, not sure why he's in his car seat in the house. He looks at me as if he's waiting on me to explain it to him.

This doesn't look too comfortable but he laid in this basket for quite a while playing with his toys.

He finally managed to get himself out.

Then he realized it was more fun to just dump all the toys out onto the living room floor.

He's become quite the hugger. So to all of you who will see him this weekend in Oklahoma, be ready. This is typically the last sight you see before he launches himself into your arms.

Looking at a face like this, it's easy to practice hugging with him all day.

Fort Riley, KS
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