If you're receiving positive vibes right now that I may be a little smarter tonight it's because I am. Yep, we just finished our last baby class this evening at the hospital. After 3 sessions totally 11 hours of topics such as poop, pee, boobies, crying, diapers, circumcision, and epidurals we're on our own now. Just a stack of baby prep books by the bed for occasional review prior to going to the hospital in a few weeks. I enjoyed the classes and I think I was paying attention for the most part. There were only a few times went Shelly caught me checking sports scores on my phone.
Our 32 week doctor's appointment was last Friday. The baby weighed 4 lbs, 3 oz. His head was down at the time but he has been moving quite often in Shelly's belly. Either that, or Mexican food and fudge ice cream bars are causing weird protrusions on the surface of Shelly's stomach.
We also had the opportunity to take professional pregnancy photos the other day. This was one event I was a bit reluctant about doing. Something didn't seem right about us sitting in a studio with Shelly's shirt up exposing the soccer ball to a strange man. But it went well and we'll have the pictures back next week. Here are a few proofs:

Tomorrow we have a great opportunity to take another gander at the little tike. One of Shelly's friends told her about a new 3D/4D ultrasound place in Lenexa looking for pregnant volunteers to assist in training their new technicians. So...tomorrow night I'll be able to post more 3D pictures and video of him. And this whole package is completely free, a $175 value! Just couldn't pass it up. So we're pretty excited about that. The appt. is tomorrow at 3PM.
Well, time to do my nightly duty of rubbing Shelly's sciatic nerve before bed.
Kansas City, MO
LOVE the photos! What a cute baby bump!
Due to the "hug" comment on the previous post I'll have to add a little something about "rubbing Shelly's sciatic nerve before bed." What that actually means is Michael gets into bed and I scratch his head and give him a head, neck & shoulder massage until he's just about asleep then I ask if he remembered his vitamins that day? He replies that his entire body just "aches" since he's been trying to fight off this infamous cold he thinks he's catching all week! So yea he actually might be rubbing a 'nerve' of mine but it's far from my sciatic one! HA!
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