We spent the weekend with Shelly's family in Wakeeney, KS. Had a great time--family reunion, relaxing, visited Shelly's grandma in the hospital, church, flowers on graves of relatives, attended a Memorial Day ceremony at their local cemetery, and of course some great food all weekend.
After perfecting it all week, Anderson is now officially a crawler! It was like he was working on it all last week so he could break it out for his grandma and grandpa Deutscher this weekend. He moves quickly now across the room. So this week we get to go around and childproof our house, since I don't expect houseproofing the child will work quite yet.

This pose has been a familiar sight over the past 3 weeks or so while he tried to learn to crawl. Some of you may have seen him do push ups and get into this crab like, near somersault position. He was moving his legs but forgetting to move his arms, resulting in his rear end going straight up in the air with his forehead planted firmly onto the carpet. Needless to say, his forehead has consistently had rug burn on it from doing this.

We thought this was an appropriate shirt for the family reunion on Saturday.

With his grandpa Deutscher.

With cousin Zoe.

By the way, he has two bottom teeth so that's why he's munching on his fingers in so many pictures. Those babies are sharp too! Made the mistake the other day of feeling of them just before he chomped down in an alligator clamp.
Overall, it was another great weekend spending time with family. It's nice to live so close to both of our families!

Fort Riley, KS
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