After a few years of fighting off boat fever I finally gave in this past Monday. This is the newest addition to our family, a 25 foot Sun Tracker Party Barge Signature Series.

It holds 14 people, has a grill, sink, and even a bathroom/changing room.

We plan to keep it at Tuttle Creek Lake, which is about 7 miles from our house. We went there last night and picked out a boat slip. I took the boat to a boat shop today to get it serviced and ready to go. I'm also in the process of getting it registered in Kansas. So we'll be ready for visitors within a couple of weeks.
Today we went to a picnic sponsored by my Army unit on Fort Riley. Anderson and I decided to dress in a Hawaiian theme.

After a couple of hours there eating and visiting friends he was ready to get back home and kick off his sandals for a while.

This picture was taken at the pool just before his swim lessons last week. It was like he was really thinking and getting his courage up before getting in the water.

And finally, this is from our date night this week, something we plan to do once a week. We got a baby sitter and went to a nice Italian restaurant.

Heading to visit Shelly's parents tomorrow for the weekend. Be back Sunday evening.
Manhattan, KS
Matt is jealous and wants to know if we can borrow your boat, or at least come down and take a ride for a day. :)
ps. I really like Shelly's new haircut!!
Miss you kids. And you too, Michael.
Sure, come on over anytime. I'm sure with Matt's sailor and pilot background he'll have much better luck docking this beast than I will!
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