Well, we've spent the past three days having the rest of our worldly possessions moved from Kansas City to Manhattan. Since we moved about half our things last month to set up this house, pretty much all the remaining stuff in our KC house went straight into our garage here. So our KC house sits completely empty tonight, we signed the closing papers on Wednesday and the new owners begin to move in next Tuesday.
Moving can be a stressful time. But as you can see and hear in this video at least one of us has remained cool and happy this week.
Overall, we shipped a total of almost 15,000 pounds of household items from Kansas City to Manhattan. I'm amazed it actually all fit here in this house and the garage.
For those who have been in our KC house, these pictures will show a much different look with nothing in it. Here are a few from the top floor and of the garage.

For old times sake, Daphne went ahead and destroyed a bag of trash during a time we were away from the house on our last night in Kansas City. The tally included multiple diapers, leftovers from Sonic, Chipotle, McDonalds, and Thai food since we had shipped all of our cooking supplies. She had also eaten baby food, packets of soy sauce, and coffee grounds.

Here's a before picture of our garage in Manhattan yesterday morning.

And a couple of pictures just before we finished.

Last night we went to Wal Mart and bought Anderson a couple of big kid toys. Since he's now standing all the time he needed something to play with while standing up.

He's also started using his little tunnel more often.

We're now in the middle of a 4-day weekend! Goodnight for now.

Manhattan, KS
It's almost sad to see the KC house empty but I am so glad you are all a little closer. Can't wait to come up and see ya!
I played this short video for Cass today and we just laughed and laughed at Anderson laughing. We played it at least 3 times just to hear him laugh. Cass said he was just too cute!@!
WOW! IT's so empty! You guys really did move!
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