Thursday, February 26, 2009

A day of poking and prodding

Anderson is 4 months old today. And what better way to celebrate than to take him to his check up and let the doctor give him 3 shots. I'll show these two pictures first as it only gets better from here. These were taken about a minute after the shot series, two in his left thigh and one in the right. That is certainly a face we don't see very often. But if you notice, he did get a cool looking sticker. It all started here with the measurements by the nurse. He's gained a total of 8 pounds since birth and has grown 5 inches. "Hey, what are you getting out of that tray over there?" (after the first shot) "What in the @#!% was that!!" I must admit it was difficult to watch. In a split second, he went from his typical laugh and smile to screaming at the top of his lungs. But just like the shots at his 2 month appointment, he cried for about 10 seconds then was completely silent with just an occasional light whimper while his mommy was holding him.

Minutes later, he was back to normal. The doctor cleared him to begin trying solid food. So back at the hotel, here he is eating from a spoon for the first time. Rice cereal, everyone's favorite. Daphne provided direct supervision and was ready in case any of it dropped to the floor. But in this picture she decided to go straight for the source. Only a swift and timely move by Shelly prevented Daphne's tongue from lapping up Anderson's first bowl of cereal. Here's a short video.

After swallowing some and spitting some out, he was full. Here he is wiping his mouth after his first solid meal. We're all heading to Richmond tomorrow to visit our friends Jeanne and David and sons Ethan and Jeremy and will be back Saturday night. Enjoy your weekend!

Springfield, VA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE that last photo! It's way cute!